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Page J2 Exercise (Not J12): Finding Warrants

Page J2 Exercise (Not J12): Finding Warrants

Q Assignment Instructions Be careful. This is for the exercise on page J2, not J12. List as many hidden or implied messages as you can find, THREE minimum for each statement. Do not debate the subjects. Do not repeat the claim and the reasons in different words. Find the warrants. Here's an example example from the last exercise. Remember, we're not debating the logic of the statement, but focusing on what it suggests! Claim and Reason: I am staying away out of Orange County because many people there are not wearing masks during the covid pandemic. Hidden or unstated messages: • o Face masks have been proven to reduce disease transmission. o Covid is a dangerous disease. o There are more covid deniers in Orange County than neighboring counties. o Mask rules are not be enforced in Orange County. (These warrants can be defended logically and/or with evidence, but we are not worried about that right now! We're just finding those hidden messages.) ________________________________________ Please use the Homework Template (Links to an external site.), number your responses, and find at least three warrants for each statement. 1. People who use illegal drugs should be put in jail because they are breaking the law. 2. Trump can’t be sexist because he has employed women in the past. 3. Military recruiters should not be allowed on high school campuses because they mostly target schools in poor neighborhoods. 4. The rules of American society are not the same for celebrities because they are genuinely special, almost like royalty. 5. Hillary Clinton had no chance of being elected president because Americans are sexist and ignorant. 6. We shouldn’t blame other countries for seeking nuclear weapons capability since America, itself, has nuclear weapons. 7. Welfare should be abolished because everyone should work. 8. We should all submit to searches whenever we travel because it will help prevent another terrorist attack. 9. It’s not immoral to cheat on your taxes because the government is trying to steal every penny it can from American citizens. 10. America is safer from terrorism today because Saddam Hussein has been eliminated.

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1. People who use illegal drugs should be put in jail because they are breaking the law. - Harsher punishments should be imposed on illegal drug use. - Drugs are known to cause a wide variety of physiological and psychological issues and hence its use should be treated as a crime. - Using drugs is the equivalent of suicide or self- inflicted injury, and may lead to public harm. This warrants drug use to be on the same level as law breaking.